Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Perles Report

I got my package in the mail today from France. Yay! Well worth the short wait.

As you can see, it came packaged to travel across the Pond. :D

Feast your eyes on something I cannot get from a US vendor: Swarovski sew-on setting in vintage brass.
I've been looking at these in my bead books for years, and have searched through I-don't-know how many pages of Google searches. Gold and silver plate sew-on settings not impossible to find. You want a 4470 setting in vintage brass? Give it up domestically. They're on Japanese sites, of course, but there's more of a language barrier (can you trust Google Translate?) and most sites do not seem to ship overseas. But Perles & Co. has their site available in English and lists internationally shipping charges up front.

Look at these beautiful 4470s in crystal:
I also got some 6mm dentelles in crystal and Pacific Opal.

I'm completely thrilled with my order. I will be using Perles & Co. again. Now all I want to do is bead, but my children must be fed--again! My son has conned me into making chicken fried steak with his baby blues, so I have to go cook.


Robin said...

Hi! I just wanted to say this is a really cool blog. A whole lot of need to know info. I wanted to also let you know that there is a site with these sew on settings along with the swarovski crystal stones on this one site that I found and then ordered from them last week. This is a really big site. I thought I was in heaven when I found it and its in the USA. Here's the site. I think might love it!!!

LisaB said...

Thanks for visiting! Yes, Costume Jewelry Supplies is a great resource. I have ordered from them before, but they don't carry the sew on settings in antique brass. That's the real difficulty domestically. :(

Also, for some reason 4470 settings are hard to find. I can find lots of 4470s, but doesn't the rest of the world want them set? LOL

Have you found Jan's Jewels yet? Another good resource. It's hard to navigate, but very frequently updated.

Robin said...

No I haven't! Thanks for letting me know about jansjewels. I'm going to check it out. I'll tell ya when I first seen some people making beaded jewelry with these settings I just fell in love and went a looking for them. For me it wasn't easy to find.I just found some of the shops that carrie these settings just a couple of weeks ago so your blog is a whole lot aof help. Thankyou for sharing!!!:)


Janice said...

Are these the settings called for in Marie Geraud's book? I have likewise had an impossible time trying to find settings in antique brass. I enjoy your blog!

LisaB said...

I don't have her book, but I checked out her website, and yes, it does appear to be what you need.

Ivica blogi said...

Jean from said...

Thanks for the information about bead sources - the crystals looked beautiful!

Jean from said...

Beautiful - too bad you had a hard time finding it in the US!