Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

A very happy new year to anyone reading. As usual, I've let this blog die, and must now use herculean measures to resurrect it!

*loud noises, scraping, grunting*

Now that done, on to the news!

Again I traveled to San Francisco to visit Kimberly and BABE. Ben Franklin was wrong. There are three things certain in this life: death, taxes and having a utterly FABULOUS time visiting Kimberly! Total and complete fun. There was bead stores, beading, tomato bisque, bloody marys and chicken fried steak--and that's just a rough outline. Trust me, it was invigorating, reviving and just downright uber fun. ZOMG--and her puppies and kitty! Words fail. I'll just say TOO MUCH FUN again in all caps, and you'll get the idea.

Kimberly had a house party she called a "Handmade H00-Ha." She invited a few of her crafting friends to bring over their stuff and extra friends to shop. There was hors d'oeurvres, bloody marys, mimosas, girl talk and shopping. A splendid time was had by all, plus I sold lots of jewelry! YAY! Money to spend on more beads!

We (of course) went to Japantown and had the BEST noodle soup. I picked up only two books this year; the selection was slim. I had really really really hoped they would have Yoko Shimizu's newest. As it was, I picked up a new Beads Bee and a new Best of Best Beads Bee. I shall probably have to be a naughty girl again and order from if I want Yoko's new book.

I did win an auction on eBay and got the Beads Book Special for a $13, including shipping. This has come up for sale many times, but I couldn't quite pull the trigger on it. I was thrilled to see for auction at that price.

I also have screwed my courage to the sticking place and ordered from Perles & Co. They carry Swarovski settings in different sizes and finishes. I've got a bunch of 4470 settings in antique brass coming. *quivers* So excited. I'll let you know how that transaction works out.

Also, I've finally updated my photostream to reflect my new books. It was sorely out of date.

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