Just a quick entry to catch up on things that I haven't blogged about.
As you can see from the picture, I have finally completed Shizuya's "Nightmare" from Complex Beads. This has been--for some reason--a drawn out project. Shizuya's documentation is normally impeccable. However, this variation called for a 14mm 2070 cabochon, a size that seemed far too small for the completed project. I downsized from size 8 hex beads (3mm) to size 10 in an effort to reduce the face size. I finally was happy with an 18 mm 2070. While I'm not a goth type, this piece is just too cool to not wear occasionally.
My friend, Pam (who sells Beijo bags) and I shared a table again at the Taylor HS "prom extravaganza" which is a fashion show and fundraiser. I spent a lot of time making things I thought were "young" and at a price point that would be comfortable. Didn't. Sell. One. Thing. Neither did Pam. Some people did pick up my card and asked if I could to custom work to match a dress that hadn't been picked out yet, so perhaps I might get some business from that. I'm not hopeful. Pam and I decided that this show was scheduled waaay to early for people to acually buy, so we may not do it next year.
And last, I went to the International Gem and Jewelry Show at the Reliant Center. I brought my sales tax license so I was able to go into the wholesale area. It was wonderful! I wish I'd had more money to spend, but as it was I feel I got some needed supplies at great prices. Sadly, it was $16.00 just to attend between admission and parking, but it was an eye opening experience.
I know I still haven't posted information about my new books. I haven't forgotten!
Hi, I just found your blog. I have a few questions for the nightmare/bon voyage pattern. I have the book but I do not know what size beads are required. I see you mentioned a cabochon, does this go inside the skull?
Thank you
I wound up using size 10 hexes and size 11 seeds. Although the pattern calls for a 14mm cabochon, I couldn't get it to "stay in." I think I wound up using a 20mm.
I absolutely love Shizuya's designs and was wondering if you could recommend somewhere to get a hold of patterns or the books, especially the complex beads book. I saw one on ebay but it was for 80 plus dollars which seems a bit pricey to me. Thank you for any help you can give and you do amazing work!
Ebay is still your best bet, and all I can say is be patient. Copies will turn up from random sellers who don't really know the book is tough to come by. I regularly do searches for "Japanese bead book" just to see what pops up. I've had some lucky breaks like that.
I've never seen his books on Amazon.co.jp, and right now the exchange rate is not good for the dollar. Plus shipping is $15.00 at least.
Good luck.
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