Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yeah, that's my courage on the sticking post!

I finally got enough nerve to email Yaeko Yamada of Bean's Okinawa to ask if she will ship her kits to the USA.

Why I'm worried about looking foolish for emailing someone in Japan in English is beyond me. I will never be fortunate enough to meet Yamada-san. Even if my dreams come true and we go to Japan, we probably will not journey to Okinawa. The odds of her saying "you're the little gai-jin who emailed me in English! Tut-tut!" are smaller than me winning an Oscar.

Still, I angst. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh? Maybe I'll be lucky and get an email back saying "of course we ship our kits to the USA! Which ones would you like?"

If that happens, my virtual friends, you will be the first to know!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! A Japanese woman taught me how to bead while I lived in Shizuoka. But that was after my trip to Okinawa actually! Had I known what I know now about beading, the experience would have been a lot better. I'm back in Canada now and I'm just now getting back into beading, without my instructor though which is proving difficult! I never thought of asking her questions about materials for instance, since she was always providing it during lessons. I wanna make beaded rings (Japanese style!) and I wanna know what my options are for types of string or wire. Can you help me? Please email me at ch_uofo@hotmail.com
Thank you!

Kimberly said...

Lisa. Grow a pair. (Love you!)